Router TestBed
Custom test bed for testing router.
Quick example
const APP_ROUTES: Routes = [
{ path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
{ path: 'doc', component: DocComponent },
path: 'admin',
canActivate: [() => inject(AuthService).isAdmin],
component: AdminComponent,
describe('App Routes', () => {
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES, { initialUrl: 'home' })
.inject('auth', AuthService);
it('should navigate to doc page', tb(async ({ $url, navigateByUrl }) => {
expect($url()).toEqual('/home'); // expect equal to initialUrl
await navigateByUrl('doc');
it('should not navigate to admin page', tb(async ({ $url, navigateByUrl }) => {
await navigateByUrl('admin');
expect($url()).toEqual('/home'); // expect guard to reject, so navigation end to current url
it('should navigate to admin page', tb(async ({ $url, navigateByUrl, injected: { auth } }) => {
auth.isAdmin = true;
await navigateByUrl('admin');
expect($url()).toEqual('/admin'); // expect guard to pass
Creates a specific test bed for router.
It returns a function to be used to wrap it
's callback and from which you access tools (check RouterTools).
describe('App Routes', () => {
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES);
it('should ', tb((tools) => { // 👈 tb function used here
// ... expectations
function supports the jasmine DoneFn
and async/await notation.
describe('App Routes', () => {
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES);
it('should ', tb(async (tools) => {
// ... async expectations
it('should ', tb((tools, done) => {
// ... expectations
TestBed Options​
describe('App Routes', () => {
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES, {} /* 👈 here */);
it('should ', tb(() => {
// ... expectations
Default : ''
Initialize the described router url.
Example :
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES, { initialUrl: 'home' });
it('should navigation init to /home', tb(async ({ $url, navigateByUrl }) => {
expect($url()).toEqual('/home'); // expect equal to initialUrl
Default : true
Runs router harness fixture.detectChanges()
before each assertion.
Default : []
Imports dependencies for the described router.
Example :
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES, {
imports: [AppModule, SharedModule],
Default : []
List of providers to be available during tests for the described router.
Example :
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES, {
providers: [AppService, { provide: StoreService, useClass: MockStoreService }],
Default : true
Automatically compiles the custom test bed for each test.
Default : true
Automatically invokes the "should create" Angular test.
It checks if the provided described instance is truthy.
Assertion tools​
The tb function provides RouterTools
describe('App Routes', () => {
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES);
it('should ', tb((tools /* 👈 here */) => {
// ... expectations
👉 RouterTools
extends BaseTools.
The described router routes.
Example :
it('should ', tb(({ routes }) => {
The current router url as a Signal
Example :
it('should ', tb(({ $url }) => {
Angular RouterTestingHarness
Example :
it('should ', tb(({ harness }) => {
// ... expectations
Proxy of RouterTestingHarness.navigateByUrl
Example :
it('should ', tb(async ({ navigateByUrl }) => {
await navigateByUrl('admin');
// ... expectations
Assertion options​
For specific test, you enable/disable options that override the test bed options.
describe('App Routes', () => {
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES);
it('should ', tb((tools) => {
// ... expectations
}, {} /* 👈 here */));
Same as options startDetectChanges but only for the current assertion.
Same as options imports but with chaining methods.
Example :
describe('App Routes', () => {
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES)
.import([SharedModule, ThirdPartyModule]);
Same as options providers but with chaining methods.
Example :
describe('App Routes', () => {
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES)
.provide([StoreService, { provide: MY_TOKEN, useValue: mockValue }]);
Links an injected instance to a key and retrieve it into the enhanced tools by autocompletion.
describe('App Routes', () => {
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES)
.inject('auth', AuthService);
it('should ', tb(({ injected: { auth } }) => {
// ... expectations
Setups extra action using the enhanced tools.
Works only for beforeEach
and afterEach
describe('App Routes', () => {
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES);
beforeEach(tb.setup(async ({ navigateByUrl }) => {
await navigateByUrl('doc');
To be used when you need to do third party setups before compiling the custom test bed.
It has to be used into beforeEach(..)
and autoCompile must be set to false
describe('App Routes', () => {
const tb = routerTestBed(APP_ROUTES, { autoCompile: false });
beforeEach(async () => {
// ... third party setup
await tb.compile();